This post is sponsored by yours truly and a great group of bloggers!
Back to School doesn't have to be just about the kids! Moms deserve a BIG thank you for all the hard work they put in year-round, especially at back to school time. And that's why My Boys and Their Toys has teamed up with these amazing bloggers to give one lucky reader this awesome COACH Park Signature Duffle in black.
Seriously, I have a fascination and love for Coach products. They are so gorgeous and exude instant style. There is nothing like walking in the streets of Midtown Manhattan with a Coach purse on your shoulder!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
My first class without my daughter
Your Hosts
Shannon at GrowingSlower
Jennifer at Every Breath I Take
Charise at I Thought I Knew Mama
Christine at African Babies Don't Cry
Melissa at Adventures of Captain Destructo
Tomorrow is the beginning of a new semester for me. I am an adjunct college professor at 2 area colleges, and will be teaching epidemiology and nutrition to formidable, undergraduate minds. This is my 3rd semester teaching college, and this one is much different than the previous two. Yes, the excitement is there, but (thankfully) a lot of the nerves of how I would be as a teacher aren't. There is also one more notable absence that I can't stop thinking about, however. Tomorrow is the first class I will teach without my daughter inside of me.
The first class I taught, August 29, 2012, was actually when I was 2 weeks pregnant (and even though I wasn't officially preggers at that point, we all know that the first day of pregnancy begins with the first day of your LMP). The last day of the spring semester, which I spent feverishly grading my class' online finals, was also 2 days before my due date (and 5 days before I actually gave birth to my little girl). This past year, I taught in East Harlem, and the commute from where I am to where I teach door-to-door is about 2 hours. Every step that I took, every song I listened to on the train ride, every thought that crossed my mind while passing by all the towns so beautifully placed along the Hudson river, my daughter was in my belly. She was the frequent subject of my thoughts, especially because I didn't find out her gender while I was pregnant.
The bigger I got, the more I enjoyed looking obviously pregnant. The more I enjoyed teaching thinking to myself, "Wow, I wonder if she is absorbing any of this!" and "I bet this will make her one smart cookie!" It was especially fun when I would feel her kick or move around when I was teaching - she never liked when I wasn't talking so she would get active if it was too quiet for her liking!! There was just something so special to me about experiencing the journey of being pregnant for the first time and teaching (almost) every single week while pregnant. I got to foster a love for epidemiology in my students and watch them grow, and they got to see me grow as a professor and of course, quite literally as a pregnant person :).
But tomorrow, there will be no sweetheart in my womb. She will be at grandma and grandpa's house, having fun with them as well as her godmother/aunt (our blog co-writer, Sara). I am trying to just embrace my enthusiasm for teaching this class, as it will be the first time I am teaching at this particular college. While it may be hard to forget the emptiness of my womb, it is easy to recall how full my heart is with love for my little Valentina. That's an occupation that will never leave :).
Monday, August 26, 2013
Samsung Chromebook Giveaway!
Samsung Chromebook Giveaway 8/26 - 9/16
Hosted by:
One Punky Mama
Co-Hosted by:
Ceva de umplut timpul, Joans 5 Star Reviews, Oh My Heartsie Girl, A Little Bit of Everything
Details: - US Only - Ages 18+ - Date August 26 12:01am to September 16 11:59pm -
All entries are optional
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: Tia's Sweeps Go 'Round is not responsible for prize. If you have any question please send an email to All entries are optional, if you do any of the tasks you can collect the entries, but if the winner task is a task you did not complete, a second winner will be chosen.
one punky mama,
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Sunday Social Post of the Week #3

Time for yet another Sunday Social post :) I can't believe that I am going back to work this week. I am excited because I am teaching at a new college but I am also sad that I'm going to have to leave my girl to go to work. Love that face!!! Well, doing these posts is something that keeps my mind off of it, at least for now!
1.) What do you miss most about being a kid?
I don't really miss too much about being a kid honestly. I had fun but I don't miss it. The only thing I might miss about it is the lack of bills, but that's pretty much it.
2.) Did you have a nickname growing up? What was it?
My nickname growing up was Chrissy. I was called Chrissy probably up until college. For some reason, it gets under my skin now when people call me that!!
3.) What was your favorite thing to do at recess?
Oh, wow, where do I begin? I loved the swings, the slides, the jungle gym, monkey bars, playing manhunt.... growing up from grade 1 through 6, I was in a really small school so we always all played together and had a blast.
4.) Did you participate in any school activities?
Before I moved during 6th grade and went to a different school, I was in girl scouts. I played town league softball in grades 8 and 9 (even though that wasn't through my school). I started the debate club in my senior year of high school but it was super lame so I never really went. I was also in National Honors Society and coordinated the junior class leadership project in 2000.
5.) What i the funnies thing you did as a kid that your parents still remind you about?
There are a few things they often remind me about. Like when my dad was sleeping when he was supposed to be watching me one day, I pulled out all the drawers in the kitchen to help me step up to the counter and get my flintstones vitamin (My mom nearly had a heart attack when she came home).
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Personalized Prepaid Debit Card from {REVIEW}
I had the pleasure recently of reviewing a personalized prepaid debit card from is a fantastic company that offers you the opportunity to choose from hundreds of designs to grace your prepaid Visa debit card. Its site is incredibly easy to utilize and navigate. Once you select your desired card design, all you have to do is enter some of your personal information (so your name can be properly printed on the card) and you're all set! Your card will be mailed to the address you provided! The only problem you might have is deciding which of the many awesome designs to choose for your card :).
A screenshot from the Home Page. The site is so simple to navigate - and if you see a particular design you are fond of and want to tell your friends about, each card has social media buttons that make sharing a cinch!
I ended up choosing the fractal card because it's pretty groovy (just like me!), and it came in the mail relatively quickly after ordering it.The card comes pamphlet-style with tons of useful vital information. For starters, all of your funds on the card are FDIC insured and you automatically get Visa's zero liability policy fraud protection. What's super cool about this card is that you can use it for direct deposit for your paycheck. All of the instructions in how to use this card for direct deposit can be found in the pamphlet. This is particular useful if you want to put money in your paycheck away for savings and use the rest for spending on this card!
The pamphlet your card comes in is pretty cool!
Very informative and has super easy to follow direct deposit instructions
When you active your card, you choose a PIN just like you would with any other debit card. I ended up using this card both as a debit card and as a credit card at two different locations - a local deli and a Sonic drive-thru. Using it as a debit card at my local deli was fast and simple, and it was fun to pay with a card that was personalized to my style. When I used it in the Sonic drive-thru, the cashier complimented me on how cool the card was! It definitely is an attention-getter, which is awesome because it's super cool to be able to make a statement without saying a word :).
All in all, I am super impressed at how easy it was to order the card, how quickly it came in the mail and how simple it was to use at any of the countless locations Visa is accepted. I am definitely a fan of :)!
While I was received the product in question as compensation,
the opinions stated in this review are 100% honest and completely my own.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Finish the Sentence Fridays - I wasn't really myself when... #ftsf

Sounds about right :).
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Sunday Social Post of the Week #2
Hello everyone - happy Sunday! Can you believe the summer is really winding down? It seems like it was the first day of summer just yesterday - wow! Well, I hope you enjoy this week's installment of the Sunday social, brought to you by Ashley Lately and Neely from a Complete Waste of Makeup. Happy reading!

1. What
is something you've always wanted to do but are afraid of?
I've always thought scuba diving looked really cool but there is no way I'm ever going to do it because deep water (and the huge scary creatures within it like sharks) scare the bejeezus out of me!
2. Where
do you see yourself in five years?
With my completed doctor of public health degree, hopefully working as a tenured professor of public health somewhere awesome!
3. What
are you looking forward to before the end of 2013?
My baby daughter Valentina's first Halloween and Christmas :) haven't been this excited since I was a kid
4. What
are your hopes for your blog?
That it grows into a really awesome place that people will looking forward to reading day in and day out
5. Do
you always see yourself living in your current town/city?
Sometimes I have wanderlust and I really don't want to live here anymore (usually during a brutal cold winter!) but I honestly can't imagine raising a child anywhere else but here since it's what hubs and I really know
6. What
is your morning routine?
Nurse the little one, eat an amazing breakfast made by the Hubs (he really missed his calling as a chef - he is fantastic!) and if I'm not working in the morning or going to NYC, watching the Price is Right (have always loved that show!!)
Maternity Hospital Labor Gown Giveaway, ends 9/1! US only, Part of the Great Expectations Blog hop!
Welcome to the great expectations giveaway hop hosted by princess among superheroes!
The great expectations giveaway hop is a fun way to not only celebrate belly3.0, but also get all the things a new mom/dad could want in one place! All participating bloggers have secured awesome prizes worth at least $25 fit for a baby shower! Don't forget to hop around and to enter to win the GRAND PRIZE sponsored by project pomona, daddyscrubs, buttons diapers and tiny love worth over $200!
Great expectations bloggers are not responsible for sponsors that do not fulfill their prizes.
Think back to your baby shower (or a baby shower of a friend or family member if you've never had one)... do you remember the types of gifts that you/that person got? Most of the time, people get a lot of clothing for the baby, diapers and other very useful stuff, but don't often think of getting something for the mama-to-be. It's important to be comfortable in your remaining days of pregnancy, ESPECIALLY while giving birth!
That's why I have teamed up with Prazequilts on Etsy for offer a giveaway for one lucky reader to win a pink and blue maternity hospital labor gown to give birth in both comfort and style! This gown has velcro closures on the back and shoulders for easy access for monitors or medication, to nurse your baby or for the very important skin-to-skin contact postbirth. I mean, why wear an ugly, thin and uncomfortable hospital gown during a time where you want to be comfortable while you work hard to get out your baby? :)
Don't delay! Enter for your chance to win now through September 1st!
Friday, August 16, 2013
Finish the Sentence Fridays --- I used to love... #FTSF

live music,
michael buble,
mute math,
the offspring
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Matilda Jane Children's Clothing Giveaway! Ends 8/30
Go Back to School in Style with Matilda Jane!
Hosted by More Than Mommy
and co-hosted by
Mommy's Craft Obsession and Simply Southern Couponers
Matilda Jane is a wonderful children's clothing boutique. They are the 'Unpredictable Clothing Company’! From the style, to the colors and craftsmanship, you won't find clothes like these anywhere else!
Matilda Jane reflects the uniqueness of each child who wears their clothes in a fun and fabulous way. You can check out a full review by Renae from More Than Mommy HERE.
Since we didn't find out the gender of our baby before we gave birth, we didn't have any dresses or anything at home once we had our little girl. I kindasortamaybe went on a spending rampage which hasn't really ended yet (and she's 11 weeks old now) that consisted of buying any and all adorable dresses I could get my hands on. If you are looking for adorable clothes for your baby or toddler, Matilda Jane is the place to go! The clothes in their collections are so adorable and well made, and most certainly a great addition to any children's wardrobe.
One lucky winner is going to win 2 outfits from Matilda Jane! That is 4 pieces of clothing, which will make a great addition to your back-to-school wardrobe. Simply fill out the Rafflecopter below for your chance.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*I have not received compensation in return for my honest opinion. All opinions are my own, and yours may differ. More Than Mommy and Tia's Sweeps Go 'Round is not responsible for prize shipment. This promotion is not affiliated with Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest in any way. The winner will be given 48 hours to claim their prize, or another winner will be chosen. Entries will be verified.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
{Post By Sara!} Buying the Best Food for Your Pet
I subscribe to a Flame Point Siamese cat group on Facebook
since I own a 9 month old. Today, one poster said she was at the vet all day
and just found out that her cat Elliot’s kidneys were failing. He was only 5
years old. She came to the conclusion that her mistake was feeding him Blue Buffalo
brand food, which she found out later has been known for causing diarrhea,
vomiting, and the worst: kidney failure like what happened with Elliot.
There’s nothing more heart wrenching than indirectly being
the reason why your pet got sick. I can’t imagine how she must feel. You want
to rewind time and pick up a different bag of food, but unfortunately there’s
nothing that can be changed except how act in the future. All pet owners must research brands before they buy and try
their hardest to get the best food within their budget. It could save an animal’s life. There are some steps you can take
in order to stop unknowingly giving companies that poison pets your money and
start giving it to companies that care.
Here are three tips to ensure you are well-aware of what
you’re feeding your pet:
1.) Know what
your pet is eating. Ingredients
in pet food are listed according to the greatest amount to the least amount
– the same with how human food is labeled. Chicken, lamb, and turkey listed as
the first few ingredients is a good sign. Brown rice, grain, corn, and soy
products placed before the meat is never good.
2.) Pay attention to food recalls. Sometimes newspapers run stories on recalls but companies often have ties to other companies that run the journalism world (it’s the sad truth). Your best bet is to do a monthly Google search on the brands you buy. Simply search “Cat food recalls 2013” or “Alpo recall 2013” to come up with more than enough results to satisfy your worries.
What furry friends do you have at home? What brands do you feed them? Let me know in the comments!
Where were you 10 years ago today? Remembering the "Big Blackout" of our generation
So ten years ago today, something happened that was kind of a big deal in the Northeast. If you lived here during that time, you will remember that today marks the 10th anniversary of the biggest blackout of our generation. Wow! In many ways, I can't believe it was 10 years ago already, but in other ways, it feels like a life time ago!
Ten years ago today, I was:
So where were you 10 years ago today? Were you affected by the big Northeast blackout of 2003? Leave your story in the comments :)
Ten years ago today, I was:
- A teenager just wanting to move out of my parents' house! Ahh, life without bills. How naive I was!
- Working at a gas station/convenience mart when the power suddenly went out. People were pumping gas on our digital pumps and they all ended up getting free gas because we couldn't 'prove' how much they got.
- Listening to our customers' moods go from excited about the monumental event unfolding to annoyed about how crazy people were driving on the roads without functional traffic lights to worried about how long a blackout during the dog days of summer would last to relaxed and wanting to buy and subsequently drink all the beer we had in the store.
- Counting money by candlelight scared out of my mind that area knuckleheads would try to break into the store since our security system was down (we only had a simple deadbolt on the front door, made of glass).
- Wanting to go home because work was driving me crazy, only to get more annoyed once I got home since I was trying to read books by candlelight.
- Hoping the store would be closed the next day so I wouldn't have to go in.
- Waiting to hear from my aunt who was going into labor with my baby cousin!
So where were you 10 years ago today? Were you affected by the big Northeast blackout of 2003? Leave your story in the comments :)
Awesome Pretty Mommies Products Giveaway from the Blogging Mamas Network! Ends 8/25, Open US/CA!
Pretty Mommies is the #1 physician recommended maternity skin care line on the market.
Although it's aimed at those who are pregnant or nursing - it's natural, safe, skin care that's great for ANYONE - men included!.
It's a simple three step system - Cleanser, Skin Brightener, and Sunscreen - it'll cleanse, exfoliate, hydrate, brighten, soothe, provide high levels of antioxidants and anti-aging properties, as well as, physical broad spectrum sun protection. If you're curious about how these products work, be sure to check out the review on According to Jenny.
There are lots of new things happening at Pretty Mommies. If you're a Zulily fan then you might have noticed them pop up there this past week! Not only are they now reaching their target audience online, you might also see Pretty Mommies in your OBGYN's or Midwifes office. And if you're in China - you can now get Pretty Mommies there, too!
Pretty Mommies feels so deeply about educating women on the importance of safe maternity skin care that they've created a campaign on to raise awareness of this important issue. You'll also soon find them offering up educational resources on and they support an open forum for Q&A for anyone who has questions about skin care during pregnancy, nursing - or just in general.
To celebrate all these new and exciting events (and their newly redesigned website) Pretty Mommies has partnered with the Blogging Mamas Network to answer your questions about safe skin care and giveaway LOTS of Pretty Mommies products!

Giveaway is open to US/CAN, 18+, and ends on 8/25/13
**Ready to purchase Pretty Mommies for yourself?? Use code pretty20 at checkout for 20% off through 8/31/13!**
Tia's Sweeps Go 'Round, The Blogging Mamas Network and participating bloggers are not responsible for prize fulfillment. Participating bloggers did not receive compensation for this post, although they may be eligible for a reward upon completion.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Introduction from Our New Co-Blogger, Sara!
Hello everyone! I figured I’d introduce myself before I
started writing about my daily life as well as sweeping and reviewing. My name
is Sara and I’m the younger sister of Tia. She’s basically my third parent being that she
helped raise me and also named me! In return, I gave her the nickname “Tia”
which started out as “Ca-Tia” since I couldn’t pronounce Christina as a
toddler. Funny enough, Tia means aunt
in Spanish. So maybe she isn’t a third parent; she’s a hybrid sister-aunt.
Not sure if the older sister is mimicking the
younger or if the other way around…
I have a journalism and public relations background but my
true passion lies in fiction writing. I have a million and one projects lined
up but my main focus at the moment is my sci-fi/fantasy novel set in an
alternate desert world. I would love to travel around for inspiration before I have
to settle down, but unfortunately money plays a big role in everything (or lack
thereof). Until I’m the next J.K. Rowling, I’ll have to click around on Google Earth or the Universe Sandbox until I can satisfy my
I lived in Scotland for half of 2012, so I can’t
complain too much.
Photograph featured is me at Glencoe in the Scottish
In my spare time, I’m a writer, artist, a gamer, reader, and
cheapo. The latter meaning I’m disappointed if I don’t have enough food at a
restaurant to bring back home a doggy bag so I can have it the next day for
lunch. I currently write for Girl
Gamer Vogue and Tomodom, both
gaming websites. I’m also a proud mom to a Flame Point Siamese kitten named
Grenwauld aka “Grenny.” I started running a store called Delicabella which you’ll
definitely see a lot more of on here.
From kitten to full-grown menace
For five minutes a day, I enter sweepstakes. I win an
average of three things a month and I think that’s a good pay off considering
how little I invest into it. Off the top of my head, I’ve won: a snowboard,
Dyson Bladeless Fan, concert tickets, a year’s supply of Perrier seltzer, gift
cards, shopping sprees, an espresso machine – you name it. I consider myself
really lucky. My Italian last name “Ventura” comes from Bonaventura which translates to good
fortune or luck. I give my namesake credit whenever I win. Luck is in my blood.
What I want from blogging on Sweeps Go 'Round is to give
everyone a different perspective. My sister and I share a lot of the same
ideals, but since there’s an age gap, I’ll always be in a different chapter in
life than her – maybe even a different book all together. Right now I’m on the cusp
of a three-year-relationship turning long distance while my boyfriend starts
his first year of law school four hours away from me. I also graduated college
last December and then recently left my job for personal reasons, so I’m in a
huge transitional phase. What’s next?
I look forward to starting my new chapter with an audience.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Fun new Blogger Opp!! Sign up today!

Free Blogger Opp
Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest Link with Promotional Post
At LEAST 2 Winners!!!
Top Referring Site Gets Free Co-Host Spot --- Please say that you were referred by Tia's Sweeps Go 'Round!
Event Will Run October 7-30
Click HERE for details!!!
Sunday Social Post of the Week #1
Hey everyone! Hope you guys are having a great weekend!! Here's a new blog hop I'm participating in that's simply fun :) It's called Sunday Social. Easy to link up if you're interested :) just click the picture below ~Tia

1. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a veternarian or a cardiologist (my grandma is a nurse practitioner who specializes in cardiology, so that's where I got my inspiration). Even as a child, I had dreams about having "DR." before my first name :)
2. What was your favorite way to kill time as a kid?
I had a big imagination as a kid. Before my sister was born, I loved playing with my ninja turtles figures with my barbies (I was a good mix of tomboy and girlie girl, I think). I also loved playing video games. Once my sister was born, I loved hanging out with her. (still do!)
3. When did you get your first cell phone?
I got it for my 18th birthday in November 2001. I was commuting to college and would have to stop by the nearest payphone on my way home to let my parents know I was on my way home. My parents didn't like the fact that I had to rely on 25 cents to communicate home easily, so I got a simple cell phone and have had the same # ever since :).
4. What is your favorite magazine to read?
I really like Oprah's magazine and In Style. They are both really great to bring on my commute to NYC for work and school. Usually gives me a few train rides' worth of reading (which is a big bang for my buck! Makes the ride go so much quicker)
5. What is the one random object people would be surprised to find in your purse?
An expired Epi-Pen. I have it because I had a bad reaction to being stung by a few bees back in 2009 but it expired last year. I really need to get that refilled. I also have a turtle flash drive... it's pretty cool :)
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Weekly Wednesday Roundup #4 - Week of August 7th, 2013
Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay in my posting... we are taking Valentina tomorrow to get her tongue tie evaluated by an awesome doctor on Long Island who uses lasers to correct the issue. She's been having some discomfort with breastfeeding so we're taking her to get a consultation (which I will post more about once we come home). Here is our list of some fantastic sweeps from around the web that you NEED to check out, besides the ones we are hosting and promoting on our own blog, of course!!
Have fun entering one or them all :) and I hope you win big!!!
Happy winning!
Facebook Sweeps:
You could win a trip to Nashville and a chance to pick an item from Mike Wolfe (from American Pickers)'s collection from American Vintage Hard Tea!
Enter to win $300 for back to school supplies from Purex :)
Lance Snacks is giving away $10,000 to use towards tuition, and other great prizes!
Every day between now and August 20th, Pottery Barn is offering you a chance to win a $2,000 Pottery Barn gift card!
American Airlines is offering you a chance to win a trip around the world! Fun game to play in order to enter!
Bare Snacks is giving away a case of their yummy snacks :)
Web Sweeps:
Enter to win a $5,000 scholarship and other great prizes from Little Debbie!
Bali Total Comfort is offering $10,000 for you to create your own comfort zone in their Comfort Zone Sweepstakes!
Win a trip to NYC and some spending money from Garnier USA!
Scholastic is giving away over $16,000 in prizes in their Fit & Fresh Be Cool for School sweepstakes for your school AND family!
Enter to win 2 tickets Gustavo Dudamel's performance of Verdi's Requiem performed on August 13th at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, CA.
Glow Bug Cloth Diapers are giving away a diaper to one lucky reader!!
Blog sweeps:
Enter to win a Ryobi Hybrid Power Trimmer from Powered by Mom!!
Check out this awesome giveaway from According to Jenny for a chance to win a Rock-a-bums 5 in 1 Diaper with a wetbag and inserts!
Awesome giveaway!!! Enter to win a 1 night stay at the SpringHill Suites in Philadelphia from Mama Goes Bam
Parenting with Purpose is offering you a chance to win On the Farm with Farmer Bob: The Prodigal Pig DVD
Thank you Ma'am, The Baloney Bug, My Jordanian Nugget, and Granolaish are teaming up to give away a $50 gift card to Amazon for World Breastfeeding Week!
Pandora's Deals is offering 2 lucky readers a $10 iTunes gift card and 3 children books
Momma Rambles is offering an awesome opportunity for one lucky winner to get a Bear Grylls survival bracelet!
LOW ENTRIES!!! Adventures of Mommyhood is offering you a chance to win $50 gift certificate to Ausangate Socks
Gator Mommy Reviews is giving away an AWESOME Nickelodeon Back to School DVD Bundle to one lucky winner!!
Enter to Win a $60 GC from Nicki's Diapers courtesy of Cloth Diaper Addicts!
This is awesome! Enter here for a chance to win a super cool large silver locket with beautiful charms from the Michigan Mom!
Mama Bee Does is offering one lucky reader a chance to win a variety of canned Libby's fruits and vegetables along with a Pottery Barn Montana bowl!
Want to win 2 cases of organic chewy barnana bites from Emptynester Reviews? Click here!
You could win Land O’ Lakes Butter, a Le Creuset Two-in-One Pan, a serving bowl and butter dish from Anthropologie, a cheese grater, and wooden serving set from 2 Peas and their pod!
Lynchburg Mama is giving away a polar bottle for back to school!
Wow!!! Be sure to check out this amazing Coach bag giveaway on Jenn's Blah Blah Blog!
Enter to win a $50 GC to Soap Hope from Game on Mom!
Oh la la! Madame Deals is giving away a sexy hips and curves plus size corset to 2 lucky winners :)
Enter to win an item on your registry up to $150 in value from Down South Savings!
HUGE giveaway of an awesome Canon Powershot G15 camera! from Dear Crissy
Diva Fabulosa is giving away $99 worth of sustainable wood products from be Good!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
$50 Wazoodle Gift Card Giveaway! Ends 8/21, Open WW
Wazoodle Fabrics is a family owned and operated business and is the leading manufacturer and distributor of quality textiles, notions and other items. Eco-Friendly fabrics is the main focus of Wazoodle, especially those that will help to reduce the use of disposable items. Wazoodle is the #1 source for cloth diaper making supplies!
Wazoodle offers fabrics and notions for cloth diaper making as well as other items, they also have precut diaper making kits, premade diapers, and a whole lot more! Have you ever wondered about making your own diapers? Didn't know where to begin? The pre-cut diaper kits from Wazoodle would be perfect for a first timer or even if you've sewn your own diapers before!
Read Mami's 3 Little Monkeys full review of the precision cut diaper making kit she received HERE!
I have always wanted to get crafty and try my hand at sewing some cloth diapers myself, but have been very intimidated to try it. The diaper making kit from Wazoodle makes cloth diaper making completely doable, even for someone who doesn't have a lot of sewing expertise like myself :).
Mami's 3 Little Monkeys & Wazoodle have teamed up for this awesome giveaway! One winner will receive a $50 Gift Certificate to use at Wazoodle and 10 additional winners will each receive 1 yard of fabric free with their next order from Wazoodle! This giveaway is open Worldwide and will end on 8/21 at 11:59pm CST. All winning entries will be verified. The winners will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. To enter fill out the form below, you do not need to do all of them, but the more you complete the better your odds of winning!
Good Luck!
Wazoodle offers fabrics and notions for cloth diaper making as well as other items, they also have precut diaper making kits, premade diapers, and a whole lot more! Have you ever wondered about making your own diapers? Didn't know where to begin? The pre-cut diaper kits from Wazoodle would be perfect for a first timer or even if you've sewn your own diapers before!
Read Mami's 3 Little Monkeys full review of the precision cut diaper making kit she received HERE!
I have always wanted to get crafty and try my hand at sewing some cloth diapers myself, but have been very intimidated to try it. The diaper making kit from Wazoodle makes cloth diaper making completely doable, even for someone who doesn't have a lot of sewing expertise like myself :).
Mami's 3 Little Monkeys & Wazoodle have teamed up for this awesome giveaway! One winner will receive a $50 Gift Certificate to use at Wazoodle and 10 additional winners will each receive 1 yard of fabric free with their next order from Wazoodle! This giveaway is open Worldwide and will end on 8/21 at 11:59pm CST. All winning entries will be verified. The winners will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. To enter fill out the form below, you do not need to do all of them, but the more you complete the better your odds of winning!
Good Luck!
Disclosure: Tia's Sweeps Go 'Round and other participating blogs are not responsible for the fulfillment of any of the above prizes. I received no monetary or product compensation for this publication. If you are a brand and would like to see your product(s) in a giveaway similar to this one please contact Sarh at
cloth diapers,
Monday, August 5, 2013
Island Dreams - A Motivational Photography Book {REVIEW}

Samsung ChromeBook Giveaway BLOGGER OPP
Organized by One Punky Mama
Prize: Samsung Chromebook
Event dates: 8/26 - 09/16
Free & Paid Options Available
Thursday, August 1, 2013
An Awesome Upcoming Blogger Opp!

I'm teaming up with the Blogging Mamas Network for a great, free Event to promote and redefine healthy and natural skin from Pretty Mommies!
The Event is free for bloggers and in exchange for hosting the Giveaway Form and information on your blog, you'll receive 2 free Social Media links of choice!
Be sure to sign up soon, as the Event begins on August 14th and will end on August 25th! Blogger with the most Sign-Up referrals gets a Follow Page during the Event.
We'll be giving away a full set of Pretty Mommies to 2 winners and a YEARS SUPPLY (that's 6 sets) to 1 winner. That's $1,264 of Pretty Mommies products! Plus, there's a prize up for grabs just for bloggers, too.
The blogger who has the most entrants from their blog during the giveaway will also get a set of Pretty Mommies. So if you wouldn't mind, please tell them that Tia's Sweeps Go 'Round sent you
To sign-up for this Event, go to the so easy being green blog!
Building a Solid Foundation for a Successful Breastfeeding Journey

Welcome to the World Breastfeeding 2013 Blog Carnival cohosted by and The San Diego Breastfeeding Center!
This post was written for inclusion in the WBW 2013 Blog Carnival. Our participants will be writing and sharing their stories about community support and normalizing breastfeeding all week long. Find more participating sites in the list at the bottom of this post or at the main carnival page.
I have to admit, years before I had my daughter when I was in my early
20s, the thought of breastfeeding was a concept that was hard for me to truly
fathom. I had so many questions – how would my body know when I gave birth to
start making milk? How would my baby know that my breasts were supposed to be
her all-important food source? And would I experience that bond I had heard so
many herald before when looking back on their experiences with fondness?
Many of these
questions became some of my biggest fears once I became pregnant with my first
child in the second half of last year. Breastfeeding was always part of the
expected journey of motherhood in my family, as my mother and paternal
grandmother were very vocal in their admiration for their experiences
breastfeeding. My mother, in particular, had always offered advice, anecdotes
and “best practices” from her experience breastfeeding my younger sister and I.
For certain, I always anticipated that breastfeeding would be a significant
part of my mothering journey.
But once I became pregnant and joined popular
pregnancy and childrearing social media sites, I became surrounded with
countless stories of mothers who tried breastfeeding and failed because of a
lack of support. Or because their milk would not come in. Or because their baby
would not latch properly. Or because their baby had reflux. I also work in
public health, and have access to hundreds of academic journals riddled with
studies pointing to the many issues that could plague a woman from successfully
breastfeeding. Although I am sure these websites had other intentions for their
attentive members, I had been instantly engulfed by a fear that I would be an
inadequate mother if I wouldn’t be able to breastfeed as so many others before
me had.
As I got closer to my due date with my daughter, I
began to embrace the idea that although I wholeheartedly wanted to breastfeed,
I would not be disappointed in myself if various circumstances prevented me
from successfully doing so. I wanted to do everything in my power to take care
of my baby, and nourishing her however I had to (breastmilk or formula) would
be my top priority. My fear gave way to an acceptance of whatever was to come.
I completely cut myself off from the bulletin boards and social media pages teeming
with posts of “horror stories” and only tapped into personal resources that I
knew would offer me positivity during my time of preparation.
I have been able to successfully breastfeed my daughter
since the day she was born as a result, I believe, of many factors. Firstly, it’s
important to make sure your partner is vested in your desire to breastfeed. A
2004 study by Wolfberg et al. in the American journal of obstetrics and gynecology found that expectant
fathers can be influential advocates for breastfeeding by playing a critical
role in encouraging a woman to breastfeed her newborn. (1) In addition, a 2011 study by
Rempel and Rempel found that fathers can serve as members of a successful
breastfeeding team by being breastfeeding savvy, by using their knowledge to
encourage and assist mothers in breastfeeding, by valuing the breastfeeding
mothers and by sharing housework and child care. (2) I personally feel that this
is a huge contributor to why I’ve been able to successfully breastfeed – if my
husband was not supportive, I don’t see how it would have been realistically
possible to exclusively breastfeed. Normalization of breastfeeding as a way to
nourish your child primarily starts at home. If your partner is not
particularly breastfeeding savvy, consider taking a course with him or her.
Many Bradley Methods courses, like the one my husband and I took, will often
have a breastfeeding module built into their series.
Secondly, it’s important to tap into family members
and friends to learn and understand their breastfeeding experiences. Even if
someone was not able to successfully breastfeed or didn’t even try, these types
of individuals can still be a great support system for you. Why? Because even
if a mother doesn’t understand the pain of an engorged breast or a cracked
nipple, what mother truly doesn’t understand the sacrifice another mother makes
for their child? Sharing my breastfeeding woes with my friends, like my
daughter’s mild case of tongue tie, my engorged rock-hard breasts and my
sleepless nights feeding my daughter on demand in the first 2 weeks of her life
because of her high bilirubin count, literally saved my sanity. Being able to
share your inner feelings, including fears, expectations and hopes for
yourself, will be ensure that negativity doesn’t build up inside of you
while trying to establish a breastfeeding routine with your child. Negativity
can affect your milk supply, can limit your patience to help make sure your
child latches firmly and consistently and can influence an overall poor
breastfeeding experience for you. It’s better to be able to channel it
elsewhere, believe me!
Lastly, be sure to ask those in your life who have
successfully breastfed what resources they have utilized when they have had
questions about breastfeeding. I wouldn’t have learned about “The Womanly Art
of Breastfeeding” (a must-have book!) or Kelly if I did not ask my
friends what resources helped them throughout their journey. Things may come up
while breastfeeding with your child (“Could ice cream make my baby gassy
through my milk?” “Could I be making too much milk?” “How much spit-up is
normal?”) in the middle of the night, and having these resources at your
disposal are invaluable. They may even make the difference between a woman
having the answer to a difficult predicament and giving up breastfeeding overall.
I hope my story
and advice has helped you in some way. Breastfeeding is a wonderful, beautiful
part of motherhood for me, and I am really happy to have the opportunity to
share my experience thus far, even though my journey is still rather fresh.
Thank you for reading.
(1) Wolfberg, AJ, et al. "Dads as
breastfeeding advocates: results from a randomized controlled trial of an
educational intervention." American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 191.3
(2004): 708-712.
(2) Rempel, Lynn A., and John K. Rempel.
"The breastfeeding team: the role of involved fathers in the breastfeeding
family." Journal of Human Lactation 27.2
(2011): 115-121.

Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants. Below are a list of links for today's participants; you can find a complete list of links (updated throughout the week) at our main carnival page:
(This list will be updated by afternoon August 1 with all the carnival links.)
- If You're Worried About Your Kid Seeing Me Breastfeeding, You're Doing It Wrong — Dionna at Code Name: Mama is living the breastfeeding-as-a-cultural-norm dream. She has first-hand experience that kids, teens & adults who see breastfeeding accept breastfeeding.
- Supporting Breastfeeding Online — Wendy at Breastfeeding Utah reaches out to birth and breastfeeding support professionals who are interested in knowing more about supporting their clients online.
- Breast Friends — Mama Bree, guest posting at San Diego Breastfeeding Center, shares a baby's journey to blissful breastfeeding with a little help.
- World Breastfeeding Week 2013 Blog Carnival - Online Breastfeeding Support — Other than buying and reading up on books, Jenny at I'm a full-time mummy finds that it is useful to read up on other mums’ breastfeeding experiences and how they deal with their obstacles.
- It Takes a Village... — Meredith at Thank You Ma'am talks about the support she got from her family, especially from her own mom, who is a lactation consultant.
- Community Support — Ashley at ModerationMama tells about her supportive community surrounding her breastfeeding journey, and she talks about the importance of the breastfeeding class she took while still pregnant.
- Finding a Nanny to Be Part of My Village — Before returning to work, Gretchen of That Mama Gretchen, posting at Natural Parents Network, needed to find a trusted caregiver for her daughter. Someone who supported her parenting goals and was ready to become part of a family.
- A Nursey Love Letter — When asked about her nursing support group, KassK of Get Born Tribe surprised herself with the answer: her husband!
- We are mammals. — To be a mammal . . . what does that mean? Practicing Mammal educates us.
- Building a Solid Foundation for a Successful Breastfeeding Journey — Tia at Tia's Sweeps Go 'Round shares how she built a strong support network to help her successfully breastfeed her newborn daughter.
- Stubbornness and Support: My Breastfeeding Journey — Diana at Munchkin's Mommy shares her breastfeeding journey, from unhelpful nurses to a gentle guide, and her sheer stubbornness.
- Looking online for breastfeeding support — The author at "Just" A Mom has found many ways to use the internet to support her mothering and breastfeeding journey, and she has learned how to keep her online experiences positive.
- The Village that didn't feed — Nona's Nipples at The Touch of Life explains how our communities influence our choices. She explains how she came to breastfeed and how it was taken away.
- Nursing By Example — Krystyna at Sweet Pea Births decided to nurse through a pregnancy and to try tandem nursing thanks to the support from her La Leche League leader and another mother in her community. Read about the resources that were helpful and the lessons she learned on her journey into tandem nursing.
- A Burden Shared: How my IBCLC Lightened my Load — My IBCLC rocks!! smscott at In All Things...One Step at a Time's journey would not be possible without a huge contribution of time and energy from her IBCLC. Her difficult times were measured in weeks and months instead of moments.
- Fathers Need Breastfeeding Support Too — Destany at They Are All of Me recalls that the biggest detriment to her breastfeeding success was her husband's strong disapproval.
- Breastfeeding Support Over the Years — Valerie at Momma in Progress discusses the range of support she received over her seven-year breastfeeding journey.
- Uncharted Territory: Breastfeeding — Michelle at Oh, The Simple Joys describes her change of heart regarding breastfeeding and the kind souls who helped along the way. From thinking formula was the norm to extended ecological breastfeeding, this is her story. Her story also includes breastfeeding after a hospital birth, dealing with inverted nipples, and the lactation consultant who helped to name her daughter.
- Online Breastfeeding Support: Finding Success, Acceptance and Friendships — Author and CLEC Lara Audelo of Virtual Breastfeeding Culture shares how online breastfeeding support changed her entire life, and why so many mothers are drawn to it, rely upon it, and place such value on their virtual mother-to-mother connections.
- Staying Connected---Online Breastfeeding Support for AD Military Moms — Breastfeeding in Combat Boots shares how important online support is to the success of breastfeeding for mothers serving in the military.
- Breastfeeding and Community — Amy W. at Me, Mothering, and Making it All Work discusses ways in which community affects breastfeeding dyads and makes suggestions for accepting and supporting nursing as normal and necessary.
- World Breastfeeding Week 2013 Blog Carnival - Community Support — Jenny at I'm a full-time mummy has been breastfeeding NON-STOP since 4th March 2009, the day her first child Benjamin was born. Jenny shares who has been in her community of breastfeeding supporters.
- Oversupply as a Blessing in Disguise: Milk Sharing and Wet Nursing — Tooele Birth and Breastfeeding, guest posting at Code Name: Mama, tells how she ended up donating breastmilk and wet nursing several babies. She shares the benefits from both a recipient and a donor.
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